Friday, February 12, 2010

i'd only be more excited if they'd asked weezy

tonight i was informed that barack obama, the president of the united states, would be giving the commencement address at my graduation this may. upon hearing such insane news, i sent my first mass text ever...

(248): Raise your hand if barack motherfucking obama is giving the commencement address at your graduation. (raises hand).

now let's see what some of my 40 recipients - comprised of ex-stepmoms, bffs, acquaintances, and the like - are saying about my damned fool luck...

(248): I knew that. But are you going to be walking?

(248): U r too funny! :)

(734): Shut up! I am going love. :)

(248): I'm coming to watch.

(313): cock love

(906): Hate you

(734): What! I dont graduate till next year. Is it this year or the next ?
(734): Im confused

(313): What??? That is silly. Missed your phone call. I was at the show watching valentines day. I get out after midnight baby.

(616): raise your hand if you'll accept extra commencement tickets from your friends graduating fro U-M 2010 (raises hand)

(586): I know i heard- you mother fucker. So uh we really want to support you on your grad day. Get us tickets? Eh?!

(616): So i hear


  1. DAMMIT!! This is just my luck!

  2. I should have stayed in school for at least 5 years, for many a reason.

  3. My favorite part is the beginning: "...barack obama, the president of the united states..."

    Oh, RIGHT. Obama is the PRESIDENT. Thanks for clarifying, cuz sometimes I know, all that weed.


if you say something mean, the new me's gonna come out and bust some skulls