in an effort to move away from the semi-queer, pop-culture-focused blog i seem to have created thus far, i'd like to tell a little story... on friday night, quite late in the evening, myself and my guest blogger friend, maggie, spent some of morning's wee small hours on my porch. and, almost as if for our exclusive entertainment, a drunk girl in weird boots was stumbling all over the sidewalk near my apartment. sadly, i looked away from her messiness for five seconds and missed this chick eating shit on the sidewalk just a few feet away... now don't misread this: in ann arbor, watching (or nearly seeing) a drunk bitch in boots fall over on a friday night by no means makes for a "freaky friday." maggie even informed me that drunky fell on purpose, and while i didn't witness this, i was neither unconvinced nor surprised by her seemingly intentional spill. however, watching her struggle to get back on her feet, i realized that while drunkass reserved the right to lay down on the icy ground for no apparent reason, her judgement in this situation was noticeably poor.

i articulated this dismay with two words: "bad decision." in that moment, i might as well have read my mystical cookie's fortune aloud... messy miss made it to her feet and uttered two words at the exact same second: "bad decision." there was no earthquake, nor did a chinese restauranteur look on, smiling suspiciously at our situation. saturday morning came and went without a life-changing event, and this monday afternoon i'm still in my own body... but i'll be damned if i hadn't been certain on that friday night that my freaky friday moment had finally arrived, and that i'd spend the next few weeks figuring out how to get back into my original human shell. does this mean i should lose faith in television/movie magic? what impact will this have on my ability to watch disney films starring lindsay lohan?
side note: i thought this post would somehow take my blog in a decidedly less pop culture, less gay direction... but with those two freaky friday photos, both of which are 1/2 lesbo (to varying degrees, of course), this post ain't any different than the others. thanks for putting up with it, readership.
don't think we don't notice when you skip posting.
thanks :)
The best thing about this whole thing is your comment section. I got some skulls you can bust