Thursday, January 14, 2010

those shoes are definitely bi-curious

just when i thought i could distract myself from the boob tube long enough to write a non-tv post, my long-awaited roku player for netflix showed up and was all "hey, you can watch a shitload of movies and tv series on your television INSTANTLY!"... and because thursday nights leave me with an itch only 30 Rock can scratch, and the roku box was ready to go an hour before tina fey was, i decided i'd watch my fave 30 Rock episode: "blind date."

and what a great fucking idea that was. "why?" you ask. gretchen thomas, the brilliant plastics engineer slash lesbian.

she's foxy, funny, and kinda awkward. as if i needed another reason to watch 30 Rock reruns...

i realize that with this post, my blog now takes a decidedly gay bent, but with stephanie march alive and at large, how could it not? that woman's runnin around new york city breakin all kinds of hearts. and since she was noticeably absent from my favorite cop drama last night, and liz lemon insists she and gretchen are "just friends like oprah and gayle," it's totally cool for me to blog-hit-on s. march. now she's just gotta drop that steadman flay.


  1. i see now why you think she's hot, but the link to the episode didn't work. tease.

  2. dude, you have to click play, then another window will pop up (from a site called megavideo), then you push play on THAT screen and the play button will flash for a second before turning green... THEN press play and you're golden.

    (i've spent many moments with megavideo watching "weeds" and "the l word" online, so i'm fairly certain it works... and this episode is totally worth watching)

  3. no you don't understand, i've watch many a 6th season L Word on mega video, too. what you sent me to was a 10 second advertisement.


if you say something mean, the new me's gonna come out and bust some skulls