Friday, January 15, 2010

you take your reward, lemon. you take your reward

i can't believe i'm going to say this, tina fey, but after re-watching your 30 Rock episode "black light attack!" tonight, i finally understand why people think you're hot... and it's freaking me the fuck out.

i used to see pictures of you all pose-y and think to myself what are you doing, girl? 'hot' is not your game, and it makes me sad that when you're rewarded for being funny you go all sad-funny-girl-posing-in-her-mirror-looking-kinda-fugly-but-hoping-she's-britney-spears in magazines. but then all of a sudden i realized that the perfectly awkward liz lemon is the self-deprecating creation of tina fey. i'm sure girlfriend has had her fair share of britney wannabe haircuts, and she remembers them all. plus, she's just self-loathing/strangely arrogant enough to decide that she should share these weaknesses with america before america spots these weaknesses in her... which makes her officially a dreamboat.

she's weird in a good way- like going to the gym drunk. maybe this change in my percpetion has something to do with her pushing 40...


  1. I think we need a post about your fav over 50 hotties.

  2. So I took that photo of Tina Fey sitting all hoochy on the couch to a hairdresser and it didn't end well. The haircut was fine, but I'm too embarrassed to go back.


if you say something mean, the new me's gonna come out and bust some skulls